Holy Trinity Church, Lyne and Longcross

Worshipping God, Nurturing Faith, Serving Others


The APCM will be held at 3.30 p.m. on Sunday 21st April 2024

Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (or APCM) is our opportunity to look back on the activities of the past year (2023) and to look forward.  We will be electing members to serve on various committees and it is also a chance to discuss the way forward for the coming year.  All are welcome to attend, but only those on our Electoral Roll may vote.

2024 Agenda

2023 APCM Minutes

2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements

2023 Electoral Roll Report

2023 Fabric and Churchyard Report

2023 Mother's Union Report

2023 Synod Report

2023 Priest's Report

  • Lyne Lane
  • Lyne, Chertsey
  • Surrey
  • KT16 0AJ

01932 874405
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