Holy Trinity Church, Lyne and Longcross

Worshipping God, Nurturing Faith, Serving Others


In baptism, parents thank God for his gift of life, make a decision to start the child on the journey of faith and ask for the Church's support. In the Anglican Church it is common to baptise young children; this is sometimes known, outside the church, as christening.

Baptism is a 'sacrament' (holy ritual to symbolise grace) in the Christian tradition that is traced back to Jesus himself being baptised in the river Jordan.

At Holy Trinity, baptisms can take place on any Sunday within our 10am service and are especially welcome at our All Age Worship which takes place on the first Sunday of the month.

All initial enquiries should be directed to the Parish Administrator


Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey where those who have been baptised as children make a firm commitment to Christian discipleship. Adults who have not been baptised as children are usually baptised  and confirmed in the same service.

Through prayer and the laying on of hands by a Bishop, the Church also asks God to give those being confirmed power, through the Holy Spirit, to live the life of discipleship.

If you are considering Confirmation and would like further information please contact the Parish Priest.



  • Lyne Lane
  • Lyne, Chertsey
  • Surrey
  • KT16 0AJ

01932 874405
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